Results for 'Janice E. Murray'

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  1.  17
    Older Adults’ Emotion Recognition Ability Is Unaffected by Stereotype Threat.Lianne Atkinson, Janice E. Murray & Jamin Halberstadt - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Eliciting negative stereotypes about ageing commonly results in worse performance on many physical, memory, and cognitive tasks in adults aged over 65. The current studies explored the potential effect of this “stereotype threat” phenomenon on older adults’ emotion recognition, a cognitive ability that has been demonstrated to decline with age. In Study 1, stereotypes about emotion recognition ability across the lifespan were established. In Study 2, these stereotypes were utilised in a stereotype threat manipulation that framed an emotion recognition task (...)
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    Correction to: Under consent: participation of people with HIV in an Ebola vaccine trial in Canada.Janice E. Graham, Oumy Thiongane, Benjamin Mathiot & Pierre-Marie David - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1).
    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
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  3.  19
    Two mechanisms for escape from immune surveillance by neurotropic retroviruses.Janice E. Clements & Opendra Narayan - 1985 - Bioessays 2 (6):259-262.
    The mechanism(s) by which lentiviruses and related non‐oncogenic retroviruses (e.g. HTLV‐III, the etiologic agent of AIDS) escape immune surveillance, and thereby create long term progressive disease conditions, has been unknown until recently. Studies with two lentiviruses have begun to illuminate the mechanisms. In one, antigenic drift in the virus appears to be the primary mechanism of escape from immune surveillance; in the second, selective masking of the viral envelope glycoprotein epitope, which normally elicits neutralizing anti‐body, appears to provide the means (...)
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    Under consent: participation of people with HIV in an Ebola vaccine trial in Canada.Janice E. Graham, Oumy Thiongane, Benjamin Mathiot & Pierre-Marie David - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundLittle is known about volunteers from Northern research settings who participate in vaccine trials of highly infectious diseases with no approved treatments. This article explores the motivations of HIV immunocompromised study participants in Canada who volunteered in a Phase II clinical trial that evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of an Ebola vaccine candidate.MethodsObservation at the clinical study site and semi-structured interviews employing situational and discursive analysis were conducted with clinical trial participants and staff over one year. Interviews were recorded, transcribed (...)
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    Reifying Relevance in Mild Cognitive Impairment: An Appeal for Care and Caution.Janice E. Graham & Karen Ritchie - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):57-60.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reifying Relevance in Mild Cognitive Impairment:An Appeal for Care and CautionJanice E. Graham (bio) and Karen Ritchie (bio)KeywordsAlzheimer’s disease, construction, dementia, market forces, mild cognitive impairmentWe thank the reviewers for their thoughtful comments that probe shadowy areas in our argument, and we welcome this opportunity to elucidate our position. First, we are not repudiating the natural and social facts of pathologic brain degeneration and the physical and cognitive impairments (...)
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    Mild cognitive impairment: Ethical considerations for nosological flexibility in human kinds.Janice E. Graham & Karen Ritchie - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (1):31-43.
    The evolution of a relevant nosological concept reflects changes in the distinction between what is recognized and defined as normal and pathologic. Attention is directed to the rationale and value of detecting subclinical aging-related modifications in cognitive performance. The position that different kinds of dementias may have precedents in etiological-specific kinds of early or mild cognitive impairments (MCI) supports targeting people earlier for study of these subclinical symptoms. Because heterogeneous disorders can be expected to have multiple patterns of cognitive and (...)
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    Rio's Favelas and the Myth of Marginality.Janice E. Perlman - 1975 - Politics and Society 5 (2):131-160.
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    Is consent for research genuinely informed? Using decision aid tools to obtain informed consent in the global south.Marylène Dugas & Janice E. Graham - 2011 - Journal of Global Ethics 7 (3):349-359.
    Gaining informed consent among marginalized groups that include decisionally incapacitated individuals and those outside of the researcher's own geo-social and ethnic background still challenges many researchers. We suggest that there is a need for consideration of a different approach to research ethics in international settings. Based on extensive field work in West Africa on medical knowledge transfers and patient–healer relationships, this paper will discuss the challenges posed in obtaining informed individual consent in international settings. It is argued that while being (...)
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  9. The structure of communicative acts.Sarah E. Murray & William B. Starr - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (2):425-474.
    Utterances of natural language sentences can be used to communicate not just contents, but also forces. This paper examines this topic from a cross-linguistic perspective on sentential mood. Recent work in this area focuses on conversational dynamics: the three sentence types can be associated with distinctive kinds of conversational effects called sentential forces, modeled as three kinds of updates to the discourse context. This paper has two main goals. First, it provides two arguments, on empirical and methodological grounds, for treating (...)
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  10.  13
    Kristján Kristjánsson, Flourishing as the Aim of Education: A Neo-Aristotelian View.James E. Murray - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 19 (6):646-649.
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  11.  25
    Gender, Race, and Affirmative Action: Operationalizing Intersectionality in Survey Research.Janice Johnson Dias, Julie E. Press & Amy C. Steinbugler - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (6):805-825.
    In this article, the authors operationalize the intersection of gender and race in survey research. Using quantitative data from the Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality, they investigate how gender/racial stereotypes about African Americans affect Whites’ attitudes about two types of affirmative action programs: job training and education and hiring and promotion. The authors find that gender/racial prejudice towards Black women and Black men influences Whites’ opposition to affirmative action at different levels than negative attitudes towards Blacks as a group. Prejudice (...)
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  12. Introduction: At the intersections of feminist and queer debates.Janice McLaughlin, Mark E. Casey & Diane Richardson - 2006 - In Diane Richardson, Janice McLaughlin & Mark E. Casey, Intersections between feminist and queer theory. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 1--18.
  13.  6
    Vaccine Procurement: The Changes Needed to Close Access Gaps and Achieve Health Equity in Routine and Pandemic Settings.Shawn H. E. Harmon, Ksenia Kholina & Janice E. Graham - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (2):467-479.
    Vaccines are not the only public health tool, but they are critical in routine and emergency settings. Achieving optimal vaccination rates requires timely access to vaccines. However, we have persistently failed to secure, distribute, and administer vaccines in a timely, effective, and equitable manner despite an enduring rhetoric of global health equity.
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    Kidney Donation Story.Janice Flynn - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):11-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• My (...)
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  15. The physical: Empirical, not metaphysical.J. L. Dowell, & Janice Dowell - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 131 (1):25-60.
    2. The Contingency and A posteriority Constraint: A formulation of the thesis must make physicalism come out contingent and a posteriori. First, physicalism is a contingent truth, if it is a truth. This means that physicalism could have been false, i.e. there are counterfactual worlds in which physicalism is false, for example, counterfactual worlds in which there are miracle -performing angels.[9] Moreover, if physicalism is true, our knowledge of its truth is a posteriori. This is to say that there are (...)
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  16. Segunda Linha: comunicação e sociabilidade na Linha 2 do metrô carioca.Janice Caiafa - 2010 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 17 (2):176-190.
    In this text we explore a few specific aspects of Linha 2 (Line 2) of the Rio de Janeiro subway. We consider the larger context of the urbanization process of Rio de Janeiro as well as the characteristics of the construcion project of Linha 2 and its operation. We argue that all those aspects that to a certain extent make Linha 2 the second line of the system participate in shaping characteristic modalities of communication and sociability in the context of (...)
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    Synthetic Biology and Morality: Artificial Life and the Bounds of Nature.Gregory E. Kaebnick & Thomas H. Murray (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    A range of views on the morality of synthetic biology and its place in public policy and political discourse.
  18.  36
    De chrónos à aión – onde habitam os tempos da inf'ncia?Janice Débora de Alencar Batista Araújo, Rebeka Rodrigues Alves da Costa & Ana Maria Monte Coelho Frota - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-24.
    This article reflects on childhood times based on the words chrónos, kairós and aión, which the Greeks use to conceptualize time, in dialogue with different authors, such as Kohan, Pohlmann, Skliar, Kohan and Fernandes. In the pedagogical field, we explore how Pedagogy of Childhood has focused on the importance of childhood temporality and children’s agency, with contributions from Hoyuelos, Parrini, Aguilera et al., Barbosa, Oliveira-Formosinho e Araújo, Oliveira-Formosinho, Pinazza and Gobbi. We reflect on what forms of organizing time are possible (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Janice Ann Beran, Robert Paul Craig, Paul-Albert Emoungu, Lois M. R. Louden, Arthur Sandeen, George L. Dowd, Joellen Watson, Robert R. Sherman, Lorraine Harner, Natalie A. Naylor, Bruce Vaughn, E. V. Johanningmeier, William E. Eaton & Francesco Cordasco - 1978 - Educational Studies 9 (1):61-89.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Janice Ann Beran, Peter Sola, Joseph C. Bronars Jr, Cole S. Brembeck, Bernard J. Kohlbrenner, James M. Giarelli, C. M. Smith, E. V. Johanningmeier, Glenn E. Snelbecker, Basil J. Reppas, George W. Bright, Sandford W. Reitman & Daniel S. Parkinson - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (2):175-209.
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  21.  26
    Displacement and conflict; learnable drive as a basis for the steeper gradient of avoidance than of approach.Neal E. Miller & Edward J. Murray - 1952 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 43 (3):227.
  22.  13
    Thomistic Metaethics and A Present Controversy.Janice L. Schultz - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):40-62.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THOMISTIC METAETIDCS AND A PRESENT CONTROVERSY XOOD STARTING point for understanding the recent controversy regarding the Grisez-Finnis interpretaition oi St. Thomas Aquinas's ethical theory is Finnis's claim that "by a 'Simple act of non-inferential understanding one grasps that the objeot of the [natural] inclination which one experiences is an instance of a general form of good, for oneself (and others like one)." 1 For here Finnis is denying an (...)
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    Dakini's Warm Breath: The Feminine Principle in Tibetan Buddhism (review).Janice Dean Willis - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):161-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 161-164 [Access article in PDF] Dakini's Warm Breath: The Feminine Principle in Tibetan Buddhism. By Judith Simmer-Brown. Boston: Shambhala, 2001. xxv + 404 pp. For more than a century, the dakini of Hindu and Buddhist tantric literature and practice lore has intrigued, fascinated, beguiled, and confounded Western scholars. First described by Austine Waddell in 1895 as "demonical furies" and "she-devils," S.C.Das's ATibetan-English Dictionary, published just (...)
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  24.  48
    St. Thomas Aquinas on Necessary Moral Principles.Janice L. Schultz - 1988 - New Scholasticism 62 (2):150-178.
    This paper shows how, according to st. thomas aquinas, basic descriptive moral principles can be both substantive and necessarily true. aquinas's position on reference (the function of the subject term) is similar to that of the contemporary logician, saul kripke, who argues for necessary informative propositions. such propositions in aquinas (which are analyzed in detail in the paper) include definitions-e.g., "human beings, or men, are rational animals"-and property statements. the latter encompass those concerned with natural inclinations. from this foundation the (...)
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    Memory monitoring in mock jurors.Mary E. Pritchard & Janice M. Keenan - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 5 (2):152.
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    (1 other version)Intersections between feminist and queer theory.Diane Richardson, Janice McLaughlin & Mark E. Casey (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The emergence of queer ideas has unsettled other forms of exploring gender and sexuality, in particular feminism. In response, feminists have been significant critics of queer ideas. This book, through the contribution of important US and UK writers, seeks to explore the debates between feminist and queer theorizing in order to seek out interconnections between the two; they identify new directions in thinking about sexuality and gender that may emerge out of and at the interface.
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    Temporal control on periodic schedules: Fine structure.J. E. R. Staddon & Janice A. Frank - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (5):536-538.
    The temporal pattern of the terminal response on periodic schedules depends on when responding begins. Pigeons pecking on fixed-interval and fixed-time schedules of food reinforcement responded, or accelerated, faster the later in an interval they began responding.
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    The relevance of C. S. Peirce for socio-semiotics.Janice Deledalle-Rhodes - 2007 - Sign Systems Studies 35 (1-2):231-247.
    Neither Peirce’s thought in general nor his semeiotic in particular would appear to be concerned with ‘society’ as it is generally conceived today. Moreover, Peirce rarely mentions ‘society’, preferring the term ‘community’, which his readers have often interpreted restrictively.There are two essential points to be borne in mind. In the first place, the epithet ‘social’ refers here not to the object of thought, but to its production, its mode of action and its transmission and conservation. In the second place, the (...)
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  29.  15
    Predicting the effectiveness of engagement and disengagement emotion regulation based on emotional reactivity in borderline personality disorder.Skye Fitzpatrick & Janice R. Kuo - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (3):473-491.
    Improving emotion regulation is central to borderline personality disorder (BPD) treatment, but little research indicates which emotion regulation strategies are optimally effective and when. Basic emotion science suggests that engagement emotion regulation strategies that process emotional content become less effective as emotional intensity increases, whereas disengagement strategies that disengage from it do not. This study examined whether emotional reactivity to emotional stimuli predicts the effectiveness of engagement and disengagement emotion regulation across self-report, general physiologic (heart rate), sympathetic (skin conductance responses), (...)
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    Ethical Issues Related to the Mass Marketing of Securities.Michael P. Coyne & Janice M. Traflet - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):193-198.
    This paper examines ethical issues involved in the mass marketing of securities to individuals. The marketing of products deemed “socially questionable” or “sinful” (like tobacco and alcohol) has long been recognized as posing special ethical challenges (Kotler, P. and S. Levy: 1971, Harvard Business Review 49, 74–80; Davidson, D. K: 1996, Selling Sin: The Marketing of Socially Unacceptable Products (Quorum Press, Westport). We contend that marketers should consider securities (i.e. common stock, options) in a similar vein, as a potentially dangerous (...)
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    Review of Outpatient Pediatric Ethics Consults at an Academic Medical Center. [REVIEW]George E. Freigeh, Hannah Fagen & Janice Firn - forthcoming - HEC Forum:1-13.
    Limited data exist in the specific content of pediatric outpatient ethics consults as compared to inpatient ethics consults. Given the fundamental differences in outpatient and inpatient clinical care, we aimed to describe the distinctive nature of ethics consultation in the ambulatory setting. This is a retrospective review at a large, quaternary academic center of all outpatient ethics consults in a 6-year period. Encounter-level demographic data was recorded, and primary ethical issue and contextual features were identified using qualitative conceptual content analysis. (...)
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  32.  89
    An extrapolation of Foucault’s Technologies of the Self to effect positive transformation in the intensivist as teacher and mentor.Thomas J. Papadimos, Joanna E. Manos & Stuart J. Murray - 2013 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 8:7.
    In critical care medicine, teaching and mentoring practices are extremely important in regard to attracting and retaining young trainees and faculty in this important subspecialty that has a scarcity of needed personnel in the USA. To this end, we argue that Foucault’s Technologies of the Self is critical background reading when endeavoring to effect the positive transformation of faculty into effective teachers and mentors.
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    Book Reviews Section 3.Roger R. Woock, Howard K. Macauley Jr, John M. Beck, Janice F. Weaver, Patti Mcgill Peterson, Stanley L. Goldstein, A. Richard King, Don E. Post, Faustine C. Jones, Edward H. Berman, Thomas O. Monahan, William R. Hazard, J. Estill Alexander, William D. Page, Daniel S. Parkinson, Richard O. Dalbey, Frances J. Nesmith, William Rosenfield, Verne Keenan, Robert Girvan & Robert Gallacher - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (2):84-99.
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    Breaking the Boundaries Collective – A Manifesto for Relationship-based Practice.D. Darley, P. Blundell, L. Cherry, J. O. Wong, A. M. Wilson, S. Vaughan, K. Vandenberghe, B. Taylor, K. Scott, T. Ridgeway, S. Parker, S. Olson, L. Oakley, A. Newman, E. Murray, D. G. Hughes, N. Hasan, J. Harrison, M. Hall, L. Guido-Bayliss, R. Edah, G. Eichsteller, L. Dougan, B. Burke, S. Boucher, A. Maestri-Banks & Members of the Breaking the Boundaries Collective - 2024 - Ethics and Social Welfare 18 (1):94-106.
    This paper argues that professionals who make boundary-related decisions should be guided by relationship-based practice. In our roles as service users and professionals, drawing from our lived experiences of professional relationships, we argue we need to move away from distance-based practice. This includes understanding the boundary stories and narratives that exist for all of us – including the people we support, other professionals, as well as the organisations and systems within which we work. When we are dealing with professional boundary (...)
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    Narrative Symposium: Living Organ Donation.Laura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E. Post & Vicky Young - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (1):7-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Narrative Symposium:Living Organ DonationLaura Altobelli, Sherri Bauman, Janice Flynn, Andy Heath, Joseph Jacobs, Tim Joos, Amy K. Lewensten, Donna L. Luebke, Sarah A. McDaniel, Donald Olenick, Laurie E Post, Vicky Young, Blake Adams, Anonymous One, Michael Sauls, Christine Wright, Shannon D. Wyatt, and Cara Yesawich• An Altruistic Living Donor’s Story• Surgery for the Soul• Kidney Donation Story• The Essence of Giving—A Transplant Story• Love—the Risk Worth Taking• My (...)
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  36.  21
    First list retention as a function of the method of recall.John P. Houston, Bertram E. Garskof, Dale E. Noyd & Janice M. Erskine - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (3):326.
  37.  41
    Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America, 2011: The Robert L. Kindrick–CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies.Robert E. Bjork, Paul E. Szarmach & James M. Murray - 2011 - Speculum 86 (3):852-853.
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    Cellular and molecular diversity in skeletal muscle development: News from in vitro and in vivo.Jeffrey Boone Miller, Elizabeth A. Everitt, Timothy H. Smith, Nancy E. Block & Janice A. Dominov - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (3):191-196.
    Skeletal muscle formation is studied in vitro with myogenic cell lines and primary muscle cell cultures, and in vivo with embryos of several species. We review several of the notable advances obtained from studies of cultured cells, including the recognition of myoblast diversity, isolation of the MyoD family of muscle regulatory factors, and identification of promoter elements required for muscle‐specific gene expression. These studies have led to the ideas that myoblast diversity underlies the formation of the multiple types of fast (...)
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    The Investment Performance of Socially Responsible Investment Funds in Australia.Stewart Jones, Sandra van der Laan, Geoff Frost & Janice Loftus - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):181 - 203.
    Interest in the notion of the possible financial sacrifice suffered by socially responsible investment (SRI) fund investors for considering ethical, social and environmental issues in their investment decisions has spawned considerable academic interest in the performance of SRI funds. Both the Australian and international research literature have yielded largely mixed results. However, several of these studies are hampered by methodological problems which can obscure the significance of reported results, such as the use of small sample sizes, inconsistencies in the time (...)
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    Inducing Novel Sound–Taste Correspondences via an Associative Learning Task.Francisco Barbosa Escobar & Qian Janice Wang - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (3):e13421.
    The interest in crossmodal correspondences, including those involving sounds and involving tastes, has experienced rapid growth in recent years. However, the mechanisms underlying these correspondences are not well understood. In the present study (N = 302), we used an associative learning paradigm, based on previous literature using simple sounds with no consensual taste associations (i.e., square and triangle wave sounds at 200 Hz) and taste words (i.e., sweet and bitter), to test the influence of two potential mechanisms in establishing sound–taste (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Robert R. Sherman, Robert E. Belding, John D. Pulliam, Clinton B. Allison, Jack K. Campbell, Llyod P. Williams, Paul T. Rosewell, Janice Ann Beran, Don K. Adams, Russell B. Vlaanderen, Trygve R. Tholfsen & Gene Jensen - 1976 - Educational Studies 7 (1):82-103.
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    Evidentiality and the Structure of Speech Acts.Sarah E. Murray - 2010 - Dissertation, Rutgers University
    Many languages grammatically mark evidentiality, i.e., the source of information. In assertions, evidentials indicate the source of information of the speaker while in questions they indicate the expected source of information of the addressee. This dissertation examines the semantics and pragmatics of evidentiality and illocutionary mood, set within formal theories of meaning and discourse. The empirical focus is the evidential system of Cheyenne (Algonquian: Montana), which is analyzed based on several years of fieldwork by the author.
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  43. Varieties of update.Sarah E. Murray - 2014 - Semantics and Pragmatics 7 (2):1--53.
    This paper discusses three potential varieties of update: updates to the common ground, structuring updates, and updates that introduce discourse referents. These different types of update are used to model different aspects of natural language phenomena. Not-at-issue information directly updates the common ground. The illocutionary mood of a sentence structures the context. Other updates introduce discourse referents of various types, including propositional discourse referents for at-issue information. Distinguishing these types of update allows a unified treatment of a broad range of (...)
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    Experiência migratória: encontro consigo mesmo? Percepções de brasileiros sobre sua cultura e mudanças pessoais; Migratory experience: is it a meeting with itself? Brazilians´ s perceptions about their culture and personal changes.Roberta de Alencar Rodrigues, Marlene Neves Strey & Janice Pereira - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:168-180.
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    Code of ethics quality: an international comparison of corporate staff support and regulation in Australia, Canada and the United States.Michael Callaghan, Greg Wood, Janice M. Payan, Jang Singh & Göran Svensson - 2011 - Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (1):15-30.
    The objective of this paper is to examine the ‘Code of Ethics Quality’ (CEQ) in the largest companies of Australia, Canada and the United States. For this purpose, a proposed CEQ construct has been applied. It appears from the empirical findings that while Australia, Canada and the United States are extremely similar in their economic and social development, there may well be distinct cultural mores and issues that are forming their business ethics practices. A research implication derived from the performed (...)
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    Experiência migratória: encontro consigo mesmo? Percepções de brasileiros sobre sua cultura e mudanças pessoais.Roberta de Alencar-Rodrigues, Marlene Neves Strey & Janice Pereira - 2007 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 26:168-180.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer a percepção dos(as) brasileiros(as) que moraram temporariamente no exterior sobre a sua própria cultura. Isto é, como eles(as) percebem a cultura brasileira nos aspectos comuns e diferentes em relação à cultura estrangeira. Também serão abordados o significado de..
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    (1 other version)The embeddedness of codes of ethics in organizations in Australia, Canada and the United States.Göran Svensson, Greg Wood, Jang Singh, Janice M. Payan & Michael Callaghan - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 20 (4):405-417.
    The objective of this study is to test the embeddedness of codes of ethics (ECE) in organizations on aggregated data from three countries, namely Australia, Canada and the United States. The properties of four constructs of ECE are described and tested, including surveillance/training, internal communication, external communication and guidance. The data analysis shows that the model has satisfactory fit, validity and reliability. Furthermore, the results are fairly consistent when tested on each of the three samples (i.e. cross-national validation). This cross-national (...)
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  48.  22
    The semantics of evidentials.Sarah E. Murray - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This book provides a compositional, truth-conditional, crosslinguistic semantics for evidentiality, the linguistic encoding of the source of information on which a statement is based. Central to the proposed theory is the distinction between what propositional content is at-issue and what content is not-at-issue. Evidentials contribute not-at-issue content, and can affect the level of commitment a sentence makes to the main proposition, contributed by sentential mood. In this volume, Sarah Murray builds on recent work in the formal semantics of evidentials (...)
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  49. Owning the Story: Ethical Considerations in Narrative Research.Maureen J. Murray & William E. Smythe - 2000 - Ethics and Behavior 10 (4):311-336.
    This article argues that traditional, regulative principles of research ethics offer insufficient guidance for research in the narrative study of lives. These principles presuppose an implicit epistemology that conceives of research participants as data sources, a conception that is argued not tenable for narrative research. The case is made by drawing on recent discussions of research ethics in the qualitative and narrative research literature. This article shows that narrative ethics is inextricably entwined with epistemological issues--namely, issues of narrative ownership and (...)
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    Probability learning and a negative recency effect in the serial anticipation of alternative symbols.Murray E. Jarvik - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (4):291.
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